Tips on Using the New Facebook Security Feature, Privacy Checkup

Seeing and so many cases of crimes related to sociable media, we should immortalize each child, brother, matched adults who still do not understand about the devastating momentum of social media if less wise imprint using present.

As a parent, there is also a rightful reliance always watching and watching what content they publish further who will see to motivate forcible that they are safe and maintain their privacy.

Well, for this purpose, Facebook recently launched the Privacy angle Checkup, a simple tool that leave help users side with up in his own privacy settings, enabling users to emend and monitor anyone who can see their posts on Facebook.

With the help of a dinosaur mascot, Privacy Checkup allows users to shake on their privacy settings quickly, poles apart applications are connected to Facebook, including checking the privacy of far cry central personal information.

How do I use the new features? Privacy Checkup can perform used in four ways:

1. Open Privacy Checkup: Click the link imprint the security tab located to the right of the dossier icon in the toolbar Facebook.

2. In the "Your Post", select the ones you want to see your post.

3. significance the "Your Apps", deliberate what applications you favor Facebook cause and edit the aim you long to save or delete.

4. In the "Your Profile", review and correct the special information on your profile such as a birthday, employment further inside story.

Again, Privacy Checkup feature can succour parents excuse children to use Facebook safely and also leader what and with whom they dividend the posts.

Privacy Checkup fault be used by Facebook users around the world again can be accessed via facebook desktop display.

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